Lay's Limon Flavored Potato Chips (Pack of 3) - 7 3/4 oz
Lay's Limon Flavored Potato Chips
Disclaimer: Please note that the price above includes a mark up fee for packaging and handling on top of the manufacturer's price printed on this item.
Good Fun! Still made with all natural oil. Naturally Delicious, every Lays potato chip is perfectly crispy and delicious. Happiness in every bite.
Lay's Limon Flavored Potato Chips
Ricas y Divertidas! Preparadas con aceite natural. Naturalmente delicioso, cada papita Lays es perfectamente crujiente y deliciosa! Felicidad en cada mordida!
Ingredientes: Papas, aceite vegetal (de Girasol, Maíz, y/o Canola), Condimento de Limón (Mlatodextrina [de Maíz], Sal, Ácido Cítrico, Azúcar y Saborizantes Naturales [Incluye Saborizante Natural a Limón]).
- good
- none
- They are shipped so well to minimize breakage.
- taste
- price