Artisan & Traditional Mexican Candy

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Artisan & Traditional Mexican Candy

Artisan & Traditional Mexican Candy such as: Cajeta wafers, Coconut, Guava, Dulce de Leche, Candy Skulls and more. Dulces Mexicanos Tradicionales y Artesanales: Obleas con Cajeta, Cocada, Morelianas, Calaveras de Azucar y mas.

Cajeta is an essential ingredient that has created Mexico's most delectable and memorable candies, sweets that have been a part of our memories since childhood. Cajeta also known as dulce de leche is one of those memorable treats, it is a thick sweetened syrup made from caramelized goat or cow milk. This sweet concoction was born in Mexico during the 1800s in Celaya Guanajuato, the state where the independence of Mexico started Father Miguel Hidalgo's famous grito de Dolores. Cajeta was an important element and food during the independence war, since it was easily transported; stored and lasted several months without spoiling, for that reason it become an important complement to the diet of the poorly fed soldiers. Today cajeta is used in a variety of desserts and Mexican candy favorites such as wafers, chewy caramels and cookies. There are other traditional favorites that don't have milk caramel as a main ingredient but are equally as good, such as candy skulls which is an important symbol that represents the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) a holiday in Mexico that originates from the ancient Aztecs. The skulls are made with different ingredients and flavors, the most common being chocolate and sugar. They are made to honor loved ones who have passed away and their names are inscribed onto the foreheads of the candy skulls. They are commonly placed on altars or tombstones dedicated to those who have passed on. offers a rich and selective variety of traditional and authentic Mexican candy. The following list includes popular Mexican candy that is sure to bring you sweet memories.

Obleas con Cajeta (Milk Caramel Wafers) this delectable treat is made up of two powdered wafers filled with an exquisite soft milk caramel spread, that creates a sweet and savory sandwich. offers this traditional candy through Mexico's most famous brands: Coronado, Las Sevillanas (mini or medium) and Aldama Mini Wafers.

If you prefer plain wafers instead, we have Colorin's extra big and small colorful obleas. These wheat flour wafers can be eaten with jam, dulce de leche, sweet condensed milk and arequipe poured in the middle. Create sweet delicious concoctions that your family and you can enjoy.

Chewy Caramels One candy most generations have grown up with are chewy caramels, another delicious treat that is made with the traditional dulce de leche. Some candies are made solely with cajeta while others are flavored with pecans, which give them a succulent chewy and nutty flavor. Famous brands that proudly brings to you are Las Sevillanas Glorias and Aldamas Glorias.

Other traditional milk caramel candies are Coronado's Cajeta Quemada (Caramel Blister) individual packets that go great with Colorin's plain wafers, Morelianas Cookies which is a flour tortilla with a delicious milk caramel filling (similar to obleas) and Las Sevillanas Cajeta filled cones.

De La Rosa's Mazapan (Marzipan) is a delicious and traditional peanut confection, these round candies are made of crushed peanuts that give them a sweet flavor that go perfect with a tall glass of milk. The Mazapan can even be used to liven up desserts.

Fruit Rolls These sweet and fruity treats are very popular in Mexico and consist of fruits like Coconut and Guava. Cocadas for example are coconut rolls that are made with a mixture of coconut and milk. Guava Rolls and Serpentinas are both made with quince (dulce de membrillo) which is a sweet spread, Guava Rolls however have a mixture a both a quince spread and guava fruit. Popular brands include Dulces Moreliates.

Other traditional fruit candies are Moreliates Dulce Regional de Pulpa de Fruta (Quince Apple pulp paste) and Balmoros chili coated dehydrated mangos.

Spicy Spoon Suckers Is a spicy and gooey candy that is served onto medium sized spoons, with the famous and traditional fruit flavors tamarind and mango. Dulces Lizeth is a popular brand that sells this delicious treat and that you can find right here at

Candy Skulls Celebrate the Day of the Dead and honor your loved ones with these delicious and creative confections, made from sugar, chocolate and amaranth; a beloved Mexican tradition that has been passed down through generations.

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