Calavera de Amaranto Dia de Muertos - Amaranth Skull - 1 unit
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Calavera de Amaranto Dia de Muertos - Amaranth Skull - Calaveras Amaranto - Large 4" x 3" inches
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Large Amaranth Candy Skulls are ideal decoration and edible amaranth for Dia de Muertos or Day of the Dead Celebrations.
Please use the following image to compare sizes with the other sugar sculls:

Amaranth - Amaranthus spp - Ataco
Amaranth is a good source of calcium, phosphorous and iron. Amaranths contain high levels of proteins, mucilage and natural sugars. It has astringent properties, it's used as a diuretic, to stop menstrual disorders and spotting and to control sugar levels.
Calaveras de Amaranto o Alegria para el Dia de Muertos
Las Calaveras de Alegria o Amaranto son deliciosas como decoracion para las fiestas de Dia de Muertos y Halloween. Las calaveritas de Alegria son muy sabrosas, nutritivas y una deliciosa golosina para los ninos. Algunas personas se confunden y les llaman calaveras de ajonjoli.
Amaranto o Alegria
Amaranto Tiene muchas prote