Dried Chile Chipotle Chili Pods - 3/4 oz
RancheroBetter Together
Dried Chile Chipotle Chili Pods .75 oz
Ranchero Dried Chile Chipotle Chili can be used whole to give flavor to stews, soups or in the braising liquid for meats! Chipotle chiles have a smoky flavor and definitive heat that makes them unique. If they are pureed or soaked they would go perfectly with sauces!!
Chipotle Peppers Scoville Heat Units - 5,000 > 10,000
Dried Chile Chipotle Chili Pods 3/4 oz
El chile chipotle seco Ranchero, pueden ser usados enteros para darle sabor a sopas, guisados, o para caldo para cocinar la carne. Los chipotles tienen un sabor picosito y ahumado que los hace unicos. Si son hechos puree o estan bañados son perfectos para hacer salsas!!