Shinin'Times at the Fort by Holly Arnold Kinney - 1 unit

Shinin'Times at the Fort by Holly Arnold Kinney
Price 44.95
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Shinin' Times at the Fort is a beautifully written memoir and cookbook, thatcelebrates the history and cuisine of the Fort restaurant. Locatedjust outside of Denver, Colorado, this popular establishment openedits doors in 1963 after being built by Holly's father and has beenserving an exquisite menu that is inspired by the Old West. Besidesserving great food the Fort is a wonderful window to the past, amuseum that is filled with so much rich history. Its place perfectfor all who love history and good food.

The author Holly Arnold Kinney presents more then 160 recipes withbeautiful photography by Louis Ellen Frank. Its filled with uniqueingredients from the Old West, to present day dishes that are simpleand fun to make.


  • Journey into the past through the book's stories, recipes and incredibleimagery.
  • More than 160 simple to make recipes from Old West cuisine.
  • 260 pages.
  • Author: Holly Arnold Kinney.


Momentos Brillantes en el Presidio es un precioso libro autobiografico y decocina, que celebra la historia y la cocina del restaurante ÒFortÓ(Presidio). Situado justo a las afueras de Denver, Colorado, estepopular establecimiento abrio sus puertas en el a–o 1963 despuŽs dehaber sido construida por el padre de Holly y donde sirven unexquisito menu que se inspira en el Viejo Oeste. Aparte de servorexcelentes platillos es una maravillosa ventana al pasado, un museoque se encuentra lleno de tanta historia. Es un lugar perfecto paraaquellas personas que les encanta la historia y buena comida.

La autoar Holly Arnold Kinney te presenta mas 160 recetas con la hermosafotografia de Louis Ellen Frank. Esta lleno de ingredientesexclusivos y originales de el Viejo Oeste y modernos que son simplesy divertidos de hacer.


  • Viaja al pasado con las historias, recetas e imagenes increibles de estelibro.
  • Mas de 160 recetas simples para preparar platillos del Viejo Oeste.
  • 260 hojas.
  • Escrito por: Holly Arnold Kinney.


Shinin'Times at the Fort by Holly Arnold Kinney


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