Juego de Loteria Gigante Don Clemente Jumbo - 1 unit

Don Clemente
Juego de Loteria Gigante Don Clemente Jumbo
Price 10.95
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Don Clemente Juego de Loteria Gigante (Jumbo) 15" x 9.5" - 37.5 cms x 23.5 cms

Big / Large Mexican Lottery Game is similar to Bingo

Juego de la Loteria Grande con 10 tablas para jugar

La Loteria Don Clemente Gigante - Juego de Mesa para ninos

Spend hours of fun with the beloved Mexican Lottery board game by Don Clemente (Large 10 tables). Its an excellent game that provides entertainment for all the family anywhere you go, its also ideal for children's parties and when traveling. Its a traditional game that never gets old and is loved by kids and adults of all ages.Lottery has a similar format to Bingo since it is a game of chance that uses a deck of cards. The only differences being that Lottery utilizes images on its deck instead of numbers like in Bingo. Every picture on the deck of cards is named and numbered, though the numbers don't serve any purpose to the game. All players must use a table, which is a large card with a different selection of images to play with and that will be marked as images are pulled from the deck. The table is commonly marked with a game piece or any type of marker, in Mexico pinto beans are used as the markets. In order to start the game there must a dealer who will be in charge of holding the deck and pulling out random cards that he will name out loud, the dealer will sometimes use a riddle or a humorous tone as his calls them out. The winner of the game is automatically determined by the first player to score 4 pieces (in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row) and that has shouted "Lottery".


Loteria Don Clemente

Pasa horas de diversion con el tradicional juego de mesa de "Loteria" de Don Clemente (10 tablas grandes). Es un juego excelente y muy entretenido para toda la familia que puedes llevar a cualquier parte, ademas de ser ideal para las fiestas de los ninos o en viajes. Es un juego tradicional que nunca aburre y es amado por ninos y adultos de toda las edades.La Loteria tiene un formato similar al Bingo, ya que es un juego de azar que utiliza una baraja de cartas. Las unicas diferencias son que la Loteria utiliza imagenes en la baraja de cartas en vez de numeros como en el bingo. Cada imagen en la baraja tiene un nombre y numero, aunque los numeros en la tabla no tienen un verdadero proposito en el juego. Todos los jugadores debe de usar una tabla donde marcaran las imagenes conforme se vayan sacando de la baraja de cartas. La tabla debe ser marcada con fichas de cualquier tipo, en Mexico es muy comun usar frijoles como marcadores sobre todo en las ferias. Para empezar el juego debe haber un repartidor que este encargado de la baraja y que escojera tarjetas al azar que nombrara en voz alta, el repartidor aveces usa adivinanzas o tonos chistosos en vez de simplemente leer los nombres de las cartas. El ganador del juego es automaticamente determinado por el primer jugador que haya marcado su tabla con 4 fichas en una fila horizontal, vertical o diagonal y que haya gritado "Loteria" primero.


3 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (3 of 3 responses)
By Bob
Beautiful, evocative of Mexico
April 28, 2014
Beautiful, colorful artwork--evocative of Mexico. Great for incorporating into art projects and other uses besides playing the game. Inexpensive & quick delivery; MexGrocer was very helpful when I wanted to tack this onto an order I had just signed off on.
By Raquel
United States
April 6, 2014
The large pictures are just what my Grandma needed to stay in the game . It makes it so much easier to play . Thanks
By seforhap
Review for Juego de Loteria Gigante
February 8, 2011
Everyone in my family loves this game. I have also bring it out during game night wiht my friends. The game board and cards are very big and the pictures are really pretty to look at.


4" x 3"
5" x 3"
1 unit (deck)


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