Goya Cassava Yuca Chips (Pack of 3) - 4 oz
Goya Cassava Yuca Chips - Yuccas 4 oz
Goya Yucca Chips are a healthy way to snack. You can use them as a garnish, or as a side dish. Goya Yucca Chips are a perfect snack for your parties. Lightly Salted enjoy them at any time. If it is Goya, it has to be good!
130 Calories per serving (45g)
Ingredients: Cassavas, vegetable oil (corn oil and/or rice bran oil and/or cottonseed oil), and salt.
Goya Cassava Yuca Chips 4 oz
Goya Cassava Yuca Chips son la forma saludable de botanear. Puedes usarlas como adorno o platillo acompanante.o bien usarlas en fiestas como botana en lugar de las papitas regulares. Ligeramente saliditas. Si es bueno, tiene que ser Goya!
130 Calorias por porcion (45g)
Ingredientes: Cassavas, aceite vegetal (aceite de maiz y/o aceite de arroz y/o aceite de semilla de algodon), y sal.
- A taste of Spanish-speaking Africa without the jet lag
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