Abalone - Buy Canned Abalone at MexGrocer.com 罐头鲍鱼 罐頭鮑魚

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The Abalone (Abulón in Spanish) are smal edible sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Haliotidae from the genus Haliotis.

Abalone is a mollusk, related to a sea snail. The meat of this mollusk is considered a desirable food, and it’s consumed raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. Abalone is considered a delicacy or luxury in Chinese cuisine. It’s also called "Awabi" in Japanese cuisine, used live and raw on sushi, served steamed, boiled, chopped, salted or simmered in soy sauce. In South American cuisine Abalone is known as "Loco" or "locos." It has been over-harvested and is very expensive when available. A small amount is being commercial raised. Abalone from the region of Ensenada, Baja California Mexico is considered one of the best available. The canned abalone may be cooked by various methods and is best suited to very long or very short cooking times. Abalone in California receives a more relaxed treatment and you can find it on pizza, in steak form dusted with cracker meal and flour or sautéed with caramelized mango.

MexGrocer.com gives you access to Calmex and Royal Crown two of the best brands of abalone so you can prepare cocktails or your favorite dishes.

Calmex Abalone canned and prepared Abalone Style Giant Calamari come already cooked. You may re-heat or simply eat out of the can. The soup (or liquid contents inside the can) can be used as a broth in cooking in some dishes.

Royal Crown brings you different types of abalone so you can choose the one that’s more convenient for you. Royal Crown Giant Calamari Abalone Style comes in ready-to-serve calamari chunks, Royal Crown Abalone Whole Premium - 3 pieces is whole Abalone so you can prepare it any way you want, ready to eat from the can, Royal Crown Trophon - Top Shell Abalone Style Trophon is a mollusk commonly served in Europe and Japan and gaining popularity in the United States. Their chewy texture and taste is similar to abalone. They are delicious served with sauces, in soups or as an appetizer; and Royal Crown Whole Abalone Type Shellfish which is also known as Concholepas, the Chilean abalone, loco, pata de burro and chanque are common names for abalone in Chile. In Chilean cuisine the meat of the foot of these snails is cooked and eaten with mayonnaise or as a chupe de locos soup in an earthenware bowl.

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