Hibiscus Flowers - Flor de Jamaica - 8 oz
Fresh Mexican ProduceBetter Together
Hibiscus Petals or Flowers
Dried hibiscus flowers. Hibiscus Petals. Also called Jamaica in Spanish or Flor de Jamaica.
Boil a cup of jamaica (hibiscus) flowers in a quart of water, let it simmer and cool down in the refrigerator. Pour thru a strainer and add sugar to taste or more water if it's too strong.
AGUA DE JAMAICA (Hibiscus Flowers)
Dried hibiscus flowers, known in Mexico as jamaica (pronounced "ha-ma-ike-ah", rather than like the name of the Carribbean island country) have long been available in health food stores in the U.S. for making a tea that is high in vitamin C. With the advent of interest in south-of-the-border cuisine, hibiscus flowers are sold in bags. This drink is particularly good for people who have a tendency, temporary or otherwise, toward water retention: it is a mild and completely natural diuretic.
Hibiscus - Hibiscus Sabdariffa. Hibiscus is also called Rosella (roselle, Jamaica sorrel, karkadé). It's good to soothe colds, open blocked nose, clearing up mucous, as an astringent, promoting proper kidney function, helps digestion, a tonic, a diuretic and helps reduce fever. Some people call Hibiscus the "other cranberry" or habiscus.
Video How To Make Hibiscus Tea or Agua De Jamaica by Yesenia GonzalezXO
Flor de Jamaica
Flor de jamaica seca sirve para preparar una bebida muy refrescante y relajante.
Hervir una taza de flores de jamaica por cada litro de agua y dejarla reposar hasta que se tenga el color deseado. Colarla muy bien y enfriarla en el refrigerador agregando azúcar al gusto o más agua si se quiere menos fuerte el sabor.
El agua de Jamaica es diurética, ayuda al sistema nervioso, pulmones, estomago y fiebre. Ayuda a quitar las arrugas de la cara.
Video Cómo hacer Agua Fresca de Jamaica por Chef Rogelio Lara
- Very fairly priced compared to other places
Thank you,
- Good Hot Or Cold with either Honey or Sugar.
- I like mine straight.