Aceite de Olivo - Olive Oil 100% pure - 2 oz
De La CruzBetter Together
Olive Oil 100% pure by De la Cruz 2 OZ
Woman have enjoyed the benefits of olive oil for centuries, maintaining a radiant, youthful and healthy appearance thanks to the natural proporties of this essential oil. Moisturize and soothe dry skin while restoring its smoothness with De La Cruz's pure olive oil.
To be used as an emollient for skin or hair, or as desired.
- Promotes healing in your skin, hair and nails, so you can enjoysoftness, elasticity and shine. As well as growing nails that arestronger and healthier.
- Can also be used for massage.
- 100% pure Olive Oil (natural).
- 2 fl. oz. (59 mL).
Aceite de Olivo De La Cruz para suavizar la piel
La mujeres han gozado de los beneficios del aceite de olivo a lo largode los siglos, logrando asi mantener una radiante, joven y saludableapariencia gracias a las propiedades naturales de este aceiteesencial. Hidrata. alivia la piel seca y restaura su suavidad a lamisma vez con el aceite puro de olivo De La Cruz.
Para ser utilizado como un emoliente para la piel o el pelo, o como tudesees.
- Promueve la cicatrizaci