Gamesa Arcoiris - Rainbow Cookies - 15.5 oz
GamesaBetter Together
Gamesa Arcoiris - Rainbow Cookies 15.5 oz
Gamesa Arcoiris is proud to bring you a traditional and delectable treat that is loved by all grown ups and kids alike. Marshmellows sprinkled with rainbow colored coconut bits adorn this delectable cookie, to bring you a sweet flavor that is irresistible! Just the taste of one cookie will have you diving into the whole packet!
Serving Ideas:
It’s an excellent sweet snack to include in kids lunch boxes.
Perfect snack you can eat anywhere. Have a sweet craving? Just grab a packet of Gamesa Arcoris and munch away.
Can also be accompany with plain milk, chocolatemilk or coffee.
- Delectable treat that has a unique combination of flavors thanks to its rainbow colored coconut sprinkles and marshmellows.
- Keeps you fresh with a burst of sugar.
- Box contains 6 packs of cookies.
- 2.6 oz. 75g
- 75 mg of sodium
- Contains wheat, milk and soy ingredients.
- Made in Mexico
Ingredients: high fructose corn syrup, enriched flour, coconut, brown sugar, vegetable oil shortening, gelatin, soy, iodized salt, leavening agents, artificial flavors, modified corn starch, soy lecithin, glycerin, propylene glycol monostearate, FD&C Red 40,FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Yellow 6, FD&C Blue 1, glycerol monostearate, soy protein, sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium sulfate, zinc oxide, sodium hexametaphosphate, FD&C Red 3.
Galletas Gamesa Arco iris.
Gamesa Arcoiris se enorgullece en presentarte su tradicional y deleitable galleta, que es querida tanto por niños como por adultos. Bombones salpicados de coco adornan estas deliciosas galletas, para asi ofrecerte un sabor irresistiblemente dulce! Consolo probar una galleta quedaras con antojo de mas Arcoiris!
Sugerencias de como servir:
Esta dulce botana es ideal para las loncheras de los niños.
Es la botana perfecta para comer donde sea. Tienes antojo de algo dulce? Entonces abre un paquetito de Gamesa Arcoiris y disfruta su crujiente y esponjoso sabor.
Las galletas gamesa saben aun mas sabrosas si los acompañas con leche, lechecon chocolate o cafe.
- Es una galleta exquisita con una combinacion deliciosa de bombones salpicados con coco de colores del arcoiris.
- Te mantiene fresco con un toque de azucar.
- La caja contiene 6 paquetes de galletas.
- 2.6 oz. 75g
- 75 mg de sodio
- Contiene ingredientes de trigo, leche y soya.
- Hecho en Mexico
Ingredientes: jarabe de maiz de alta fructosa, harina enriquecida, coco, azucar morena, aceite vegetal, grenetina, soya, sal yodada, agentes leudantes, saborizantes artificiales, almidon de maiz modificado, lecitina de soya, glicerina, monoestearato de propilenglicol, FD&C Rojo 40, FD&C Amarillo 5, FD&C Amarillo 6, FD&C Azul 1, monoesterato de glycerol, proteina de soya, estearoil lactilato de sodio, sulfato de calico, oxido de zinc, hexametafosfato de sodio, FD&C rojo
- Pretty much the same from what I remember as a child
- I usually finish the box for a serving, I guess that's bad