Guanabana Leaves - Hojas de Guanabana - Natural Herb Tea - Bolsa

Guanabana Leaves - Hojas de Guanabana - Natural Herb Tea
Price 18.95
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Guanabana Leaves - Hojas de Guanabana - Natural Herb Tea

Note: Our Guanabana Leaves in MexGrocer may come in several presentations according to the scarcity of the moment, always with the same high quality and authenticity.

Guanabana or Soursop also called Guyabano, Graviola, Annona and Muricata is known for it's curative and healing properties. Guanabana.

Suggestions on how to prepare:

For every 16 oz of water add 1/4 of a cupBring freshly drawn, cold water to a boil. When water is at a gentle boil, remove heat and drink as preferred.

Video Soursop Tea Health Benefits by FoodsDrinks

How to Prepare Guanabana Tea or Soursop Tea

Boil 1 liter of water, take 15 guanabana leaves (hojas de guanabana) or soursop dry leaves and 1 small stem, cut into small pieces and put into the boiling water. Continue to boil the water for 30 mins, until the water evaporates to 500 ml. The Guanabana tea is ready to drink.

Drink 1 cup filtered guanabana tea hot, warm or cool, three times every day. Add 1/2 spoon of lime juice and honey for better taste. Take Guanabana tea 30 minutes before your meals.


Hojas de Guanabana Secas - Soursop Leaves 100g

Nota: Nuestras Hojas de Guanabana en MexGrocer pueden venir en varias presentaciones según la escasez del momento, siempre con la misma alta calidad y autenticidad. Entre las principales marcas que enviamos están: El Sol de Mexico, Nayarit, La Arboleda y otras marcas mas.

La hoja de guanabana, graviola o guyabano contiene acetogeninas anonaceas considerada como una alternativa para el tratamiento de cancer y ayuda a regular el azucar en la sangre.

Otro uso herbal curativo de las hojas de guanavana es para el tratamiento de la gastritis, hipertension, insomnio y diabetes.

Este no es un medicamento, y su eso es responsabilidad de que lo usa y recomienda.

Modo de preparacion: En dos tazas de agua poner 13 hojas de guanabana y calentar a fuego lento sin llegar a hervir. Se recomienda tomar 3 tazas de te o infusion de guanabana al dia.

Otra Forma de Preparacion del Te de hojas de guanabana

En un litro de agua hirviendo, coloque 15 hojas de guanabana secas y un rabito de la hoja, deje que se consuma el agua a la mitad y tomese caliente, tivio o frio 3 veces al dia, 30 minutos antes de consumir alimentos. Repetir este procedimiento una vez consumido el recipiente conforme desee continuar con el tratamiento o consumo. Se le puede agregar miel de abeja y/o jugo de limon al gusto para un mejor sabor.


16 Reviews
75% (12)
19% (3)
6% (1)
0% (0)
0% (0)
100% Recommend this product (16 of 16 responses)
By Elia A.
Wilmington CA
Elia Areyan
April 28, 2017
This is definitely the miracle tea to treat any type of Cancer. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer, I have been drinking this tea for a year now . It has helped me tremendously no stomach problems, also no body aches. I'm very satisfied. I rate this 10 stars.
By Comeshi G.
July 12, 2020
How do u use it how many leaves and can children drink it
By Ana
March 23, 2020
Amazing product
By Lazette
Ellinger, TX
November 28, 2019
I love this tea! I drink it everyday and it makes me feel good.
By Gabrielle
Campbell, CA
Can children drink this as well
August 4, 2019
I would like to know if this is safe for children to drink too

Merchant Response:I am sure they can!
By Gordon D.
terrebonne, or
guanabana leaves
July 12, 2019
The last shipment in 6/19 was much better quality than the prior in 12/18, possibly due to my criticism when I made the last order. The 12/18 order barely had a single whole leaf, was full of stems & a dark brown color. It didn't compare to previous orders and new packaging, unlike the pictured item. I can't say it makes a difference in its usefulness, but prior orders & the one in 6/19 with more intact leaves & lighter color were better in my mind.
By Ariel
North Hollywood
Guyabano leaves
June 3, 2018
I like it , I will order more soon
By Zoe
Can u drink it cold for the benefit,
February 18, 2018
I just found the leaves st local indoor HERBAL SWAP MEET
ON 2/17/2018. Can I make a batch and drink it cold

Merchant Response:Its better with hot water and then refrigerated if you want to drink it cold
  • Non
By Fela J.
Laredo Texas
September 30, 2017
very satisfied with the products and services I received from Amanda at MexGrocer.
  • very good product with great success
By Kei
Fights Cancer
September 28, 2017
My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer (not sure what type because it was all over his body by the time it was detected). He drank this tea 2-3 times a day for almost a year and on his birthday last year he found out the cancer was gone. He continues to drink the tea to this day.
By Gloria
Houston, Tx
Great product
December 12, 2016
Fast delivery. Tea really easy to make. Overall very happy w product.
By charlotte c.
Paramount Ca
Guanabana Leaves - Miracle Tea
December 2, 2016
One of my closest girlfriends is using this tea during her chemo, and its helped with the side effects. I ordered his tea to help my sister who was diagnoised with breast cancer. So far the tea has helped her with the side effects from chemo as well.
By Larry K.
NV - Nevada
November 29, 2016
never drank tea until i purchase this product
  • excellent tea
  • non
By Brenda G.
Guanabana Leaves
May 4, 2016
i am a Multiple Myeloma Patient from 2010 to now. I use this on a regular basis. I helps with back pain and bone pain. For a while there the dr i had dropped me so Iwas on no chemo. I believe this product brought me through fro almost a yr. As nyou may know Myeloma to this day is not curable. But these leaves u can boil and drink for tea will certainly bring you through, at least till you can getto medica attention if you think you may need it. Ive know people that take this and their tumors are gone. Even Breast tumors were gone. Prostate cancer.. .this guy had a holeabout 3 inches inside from the outside in...he took a pic I saw. 3 months later the hole was no longer there and his cancer was gone. The dr got mad at him due to the ffact he went against the regimen hed been given. But this man could not afford medical attention.
By Norma M.
Pleasanton, TX
excellent product
January 15, 2016
Improved my health . Doing a lot better!  I would  gladly recommend this product to anyone in need. Also product was was shipped properly on time. I appreciate it. Thank you!! Will ordering soon.Thanks again.
  • None
  • None
By Dorothy
San Antonio
December 19, 2015
Love the product


1.25 oz
0.25 oz
.37 oz
8 Items
.40 oz
17.6 oz (500 g)

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