Real Vanilla Extract from Mexico 8 fl oz
Vanilla Real is the finest gourmet vanilla extract we have in MexGrocer. Desired by chefs and cooks throughout North America, its smooth, versatile flavor enhances any recipe, especially desserts, baked goods, fruit salads, dairy products, and beverages. Intensely strong, yet sweet and delicious with no bitter aftertaste, Vanilla Real is harvested and imported from Mexico, where vanilla was discovered. Vanilla Real is pure vanilla extract � 100% natural, gluten free, coumarin-free.
Vanilla is a delicious and common flavor in Mexico that enhances many foods, desserts and beverages. Real Vanilla - Vanilla Extract gives flavor to cakes, cookies, ice cream, milk shakes, flan and many other dishes. Real Vanilla is 100% Natural. Manufactured by Posa.
Ingredients: vanilla beans extractives in water, alchohol 36% and corn syrup.
La vanilla es un sabor delicioso y comun en Mexico que realza muchos platillos, postres y bebidas. Real Vanilla - Extracto de Vainilla le da sabor a galletas, pasteles, nieve, malteadas, flan y muchos platillos mas. Real Vanilla es 100% Natural. Fabricado por Posa.
Ingredientes: extractos de vainas de vainilla en agua, alcohol 36% y jarabe de maiz.
- great taste and best I have found lately.
- not as concentrated as the old Posa and the corn syrup addition.was a dissapointment.