Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve (Pack of 3) - 12.7 oz

Dona Maria
Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve (Pack of 3)
Price 13.95
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Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve 12.7 oz - Dona Maria Mole good for 3 Servings

RTS - Ready to Serve Mole cholesterol Free by Dona Maria makes 6 servings or portions.

Ready to Serve Dona Maria Mole is Colesterol Free. Shake before opening. In a saucepan, heat 1 tsp of oil. Add Dona Maria Mole ready to serve to the pan. Bring sauce to a boil and heat for 2 minutes or until hot. Enjoy!
For Microwave, empty contents of the package into a microwaveable bowl. Lightly cover. heat for 2 minutes or until hot. Enjoy!

Mole or mole sauce is a dark brown Mexican sauce or gravy made from dry chiles, nuts, spices, vegetables, chocolate and seasonings. It takes a great deal of time to prepare and is served as chicken mole, in beef or pork for special occasions and holidays in Mexico. Mole Poblano, Mole verde, Pipian and Adobo are some other variations of mole.

Dona Maria Mexican Mole Sauce Ready to Serve

Mole sauce is a Mexican condiment or Mexican gravy type with chiles, nuts, spices, chocolate and seasonings.

Video Sopes with refried beans and Dona Maria Mole Dona

Dona Maria Mole is very easy to use, you only have to add 4 portions of water or broth for every portion of mole paste to prepare a delicious authentic Mexican Mole.

For more Dona Maria Mexican food products visit: Dona Maria Mole Sauce


The Mole Poblano or Mole Sauce is the National dish of Mexico and is reserved for special occasions. It is a meal that demands long preparation time and requires the use of a number of culinary skills. Mole was refined by the nuns of the Order of Santa Rosa in the City of Puebla in central Mexico to impress visiting political and church officials in the 17th century. Some consider mole paste the first barbeque sauce because of how it is used and on what kinds of foods it is applied.


Dona Maria Mole

Mole en pasta Dona Maria - Una salsa a base de chiles secos, aceite, nueces, especias, chocolate y condimentos.
Desde hace mas de 50 anos, Dona Maria mantiene su apego a la tradicion y autenticidad de ingredientes para preparar los platillos mexicanos. El autentico mole Dona Maria, que ademas, le regala un practico vaso.


El mole es uno de los platillos mas representativos de nuestra mexicanidad, especial para las grandes celebraciones.
El origen del mole se pierde en la leyenda o se ubica en las grandes cocinas de los conventos poblanos de la Colonia. En dichos conventos se fortalecio y perfecciono el arte culinario mexicano, pues se agasajaba frecuentemente a las grandes personalidades civiles y religiosas del Virreinato. Alla se disfrutaron por primera vez muchos de los platillos que a la postre dieron fama mundial a la Cocina Mexicana.
Cuenta la leyenda, que en una ocasion Juan de Palafox, virrey de la Nueva Espana y arzobispo de Puebla, visito su diocesis, un convento poblano le ofrecio un banquete, para el cual los cocineros de la comunidad religiosa se esmeraron especialmente.
El cocinero principal era fray Pascual, que ese dia corria por toda la cocina dando ordenes ante la inminencia de la importante visita. Se dice que fray Pascual estaba particularmente nervioso y que comenzo a reprender a sus ayudantes, en vista del desorden que imperaba en la cocina. El mismo fray Pascual comenzo a amontonar en una charola todos los ingredientes para guardarlos en la despensa y era tal su prisa que fue a tropezar exactamente frente a la cazuela donde unos suculentos guajolotes estaban ya casi en su punto. Alla fueron a parar los chiles, trozos de chocolate y las mas variadas especias echando a perder la comida que debia ofrecerse al Virrey.
Fue tanta la angustia de fray Pascual que este comenzo a orar con toda su fe, justamente cuando le avisaban que los comensales estaban sentados a la mesa. Un rato mas tarde, El mismo no pudo creer cuando todo el mundo elogio el accidentado platillo. Esta leyenda tuvo tanta acogida popular que incluso hoy, en los pequenos pueblos, las amas de casa apuradas invocan la ayuda del fraile con el siguiente verso: ""San Pascual Bailon, atiza mi fogon"".
No obstante, lo seguro es que el mole no es producto de una casualidad, sino el resultado de un lento proceso culinario iniciado desde la epoca prehispanica y perfeccionado, si, en la Colonia, cuando la Cocina Mexicana se enriquecio con elementos asiaticos y europeos.
Cada region imprimio en el mole su sello propio y asi fueron surgiendo el mole poblano, el mole negro de Oaxaca, el mole amarillito del sureste, el mole coloradito del Valle de Mexico, el ranchero de la Altiplanicie y otros muchos que nos asombran tanto por su complejidad como por su sencillez.


6 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (6 of 6 responses)
Ready to Eat Mole (moh-leh)
April 14, 2020
Best out of the box mole for those who don't know how to make it from the jars (which takes a little preparation). Hands down the best mole for those that need their fix and can't cook it traditionally or have mom around to do it! Great tasty product! Make sure you cook on low heat in small pot and stir often. Add a bit of water and a tablespoon of standard peanut butter to make it creamier if you like.
  • Lasts long time on shelf and just as yummy as homemade (almost)!
  • Cook it too fast (high heat) you can burn it. Cook slow on low heat and stir often.
By Irene G.
Phoenix, AZ
this is a must in my pantry
January 19, 2019
I love this sauce, I've given as gifts too.
  • easy and quick dinner
By Mini
Denver, CO
Ready to eat
March 3, 2018
I love the Dona Maria ready to eat just heat, add chicken, is yummy.
  • fast ad easy
  • none
By Nils W.
Review for Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve
November 26, 2011
This mole sauce in liquid form is perfect for our burritos! And it saves a good deal of time and effort to not have to scrape it hard out of a jar and then mix it with warm water to produce the liquid form. Five stars for this fabulous mole sauce.
By Mary
Review for Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve
November 23, 2011
I love this. Its great. The flavor is very good. Even better the ready to serve makes it all worth it.
By Tera
Review for Dona Maria Mole Ready to Serve
January 18, 2011
Easy and lovely flavour! I just added a bit of chicken broth and chocolate abuelita...mmm yummmy!



32.7 oz (927 g)
16.75 oz
8.25 oz
19.04 oz
30 oz


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