Rogelio Bueno Authentic Mole Ready to Serve - 19 oz
Rogelio BuenoBetter Together
Rogelio Bueno Mole Ready to Serve - 19 oz - Serves 6 Portions
Mexican gravy type mole sauce with chiles, nuts, spices, chocolate and seasonings.
Rogelio Bueno's Poblano Mole Sauce is a ready to serve mole sauce that is simple and fast to make. It has the same scrumptious flavor as traditional mole sauce that will give your dishes a unique and irresistible flavor that is finger licking good. Mole sauce can be used to prepare not only chicken but the famous "enmoladas" which are mole flavored enchildas...yum! Taste the sweet and spicy flavors of Mexico with Rogelio Bueno, a mole poblano sauce that is so good it will instantly become a family favorite!
Preperation Instructions: Stove: Pour content into sauce pan and heat slowly, stirring occasionally. Microwave: Just microwave for 2 minutes. Serving Suggestions: Enjoy it with chicken, pork, enchiladas or your favorite dish.
Mole Listo para Servirse Rogelio Bueno Autentico - 540 g - Rinde 6 Porciones
El Mole Poblano de Rogelio Bueno es una salsa de mole que ya viene preparado, y que es muy sencillo y rapido de calentar y sazonar. Tiene el mismo riquisimo sabor que el mole tradicional y le dara tus platillos favorites un sabor unico e irresistible que te hara chuparte los dedos. El mole se utiliza no solo con pollo si no tambien para hacer las famosas "enmoladas" que son enchiladas cubiertas de mole...que rico! Saborea los deliciosos sabores dulces y picosos de Mexico gracias a Rogelio Bueno, un mole poblano que es tan rico que se convertira en el producto favorito de tu familia!
Instrucciones de Preparacion: Estufa: Vacie en un recipiente y caliente a fuego lento, revolviendolo ocasionalmente. Microondas: Caliente por solo dos minutos. Platillos Sugeridos: Disfrutelo con pollo, puerco, enchiladas o en su platillo favorito.
- No lenghthy preparation of the Mole. It tastes freshly made. No shopping extensivly for ingredients that are hard to find,
- I would reccomend this product to anyone who likes authentic mexican food