Selecta Flour for Tortillas de Harina - 2.2 lbs
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Selecta Flour for Tortillas de Harina 2.2 lb
SELECTA® Tortilla flour is an instant mix for making homemade wheat flour tortillas. Now wheat flour tortillas are easy to make any time – just add water for soft, fresh tortillas perfect to accompany any meal. Today’s busy families can still enjoy delicious and traditional wheat flour tortillas with ready-to-use SELECTA Tortilla flour. The mix is sold in 2.2-lb Pak-Plus® bags, an innovative and stronger package to maintain product freshness. And because it’s part of the growing SELECTA family of products, you can trust SELECTA Tortilla flour for quality.
To prepare 25 flour tortillas, add 4 cups of flour, 1 cup of warm water and place the flour in a clean dry bowl, add warm water little by little, kneading to form a soft elastic dough. separate dough into one-once balls, place o a lightly floured surface, cover and allow to rest for 30 minutes. Extend or press dough into tortillas of desired size and cook the flour tortillas on a skillet or griddle over medium heat. Enjoy your flour tortillas warm! making quesadillas, burritos, etc.
Selecta Harina de Trigo preparada para Tortillas de harina de trigo - Solo agregue agua.
Harina Selecta para hacer tortillas de harina de trigo.
Para preparar 25 tortillas de harina, agregue 4 tazas de harina Selecta, 1 taza de agua tibia, deposite la harina en un recipiente limpio y seco. Agregue agua tivia poco a poco, amasando hasta obtener una masa blanda y elastica. Separe porciones de masa en testales de 30 g., repose 30 minutos los testales (bolitas) tapados en una superficie ligeramente enharinada. Extienda los testales hasta formar la tortilla de harina en el tamano deseado. Cueza las tortillas sobre un comal o sarten caliente a fuego medio. Disfrute sus Tortillas de Harina Selecta bien calientitas. Prepara quesadillas, burritos o tu platillo favorito con tortillas de harina de trigo.