Juanita's Menudo without Hominy - 25 oz
Juanita'sBetter Together
Menudo - Juanita's Menudo with out Hominy
Menudo NO Hominy.
A tribute to Southern Mexico, with all the delicious taste and quality of Juanitas Menudito Menudo but without hominy. Warm it up, add oregano, chopped onions, crushed pepper or Menudo mix, cilantro and some drops of lime to taste. Serve with warm tortillas.
Now Authentic Mexican cuisine is easy to prepare. Juanitas Foods offers traditional dishes, manufactured with the highest quality ingredients. Enjoy the delicious variety of products from Juanitas Foods with your family. From Juanitas kitchen to yours.
It is Juanitas; It is Authentic! Savor the Flavor of Mexico!
170 Calories, serving size 1 cup (245g)
Beef tripe, water, chile pepper, salt, flavorin (Dextrose, Salt, Natural Flavors, Spices, Sugar, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean/Cottonseed oil and Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, and Tri-Calcium Phosphate(as ant caking agent)), Beef Broth, Garlic Powder, and Gelatin.
Contains: Soy
Menudo sin Maiz de JuanitasUn Homenaje al Sur de Mexico, con todo el delicioso sabor y calidad del Menudito Juanitas, pero sin granos de maiz. Calientelo, agreguele oregano, cebollita, chilito molido, cilantro picado y unas gotitas de limon al gusto. Sirva con tortillas calientitas.
Ahora, la comida autenticamente Mexicana es facil de preparar. Juanitas Foods le ofrece platillos tradicionales, elaborados con los ingredientes de mayor calidad. Disfrute con su familia la sabrosa variedad de productos de Juanitas Foods. De la cocina de Juanitas a la suya.
Es de Juanitas; Es Autentico! Disfrute el Sabor de Mexico!
170 Calories, Tamano por racion 1 taza (245g)
Pancita de Res, Agua, Chile, Sal, Flavorin (Dextrosa, Sal, Saborizantes Naturales, Especias, Azucar, Aceite de Soya/Algodon Parcialmente Hidrogenado, Gluten de Maiz Hidrolizado, Fosfato de Tricalcio (Como Anti-Apelmazante)), Caldo de Res, Ajo en Polvo y Gelatina.
Contiene: Soya
So great
I rather buy juanitas than go to a taqueria
You get more servings out of this can for $14 bucks
- Good my family like it
- None
- The ease, the taste, the quality, and that it comes in the larger cans.
- The only thing I dislike is that my local grocery store does not stock it.
- It tastes delicious!
- Nothing