Juanita's Meatball Soup - Albondigas - 25 oz
Juanita'sBetter Together
Juanita's Albondigas or Meatball Soup Easy Open Lid Flip-Top
The meatball soup's homemade appearance and outstanding eye appeal is created from hearty meatballs made from fresh ground lean beef and rice; thick slices of selected fresh vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions and an aromatic seasoned broth. This delicious soup tastes as good as it looks. In Mexico, this popular soup is known as Albóndigas or albondigas. It can be served as a first course or as the meal itself.
Juanita's Albondigas 709 grams
La apariencia casera y el atractivo visual de esta sopa se deben a sus abundantes albóndigas hechas de carne de res sin grasa y arroz, pedazos gruesos de verduras seleccionadas como papa, zanahorias, cebolla y un caldo aromático sazonado. Esta sopa sabe tan rica como se ve. En México esta sopa es conocida como Albóndigas. Puede ser servida como plato principal o como una comida por si misma.
- Nicely spiced
- Only a few places to get it
- Few and small ingredients.
- Not a good value
- Taste good with Triscuits