Rosca de Reyes - 22 oz
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Rosca de Reyes Bread - Three Kings Sweet Bread - Epiphany Bread - Roscón de Reyes - rectangular shape - Includes 2 little plastic dolls
Net Weight 22 oz (rectangular / oval shape) Serves approximately 12 portions per bread.
We also sell Roscas de Reyes (Diameter 10") for 6 people, ideal for a small family reunion or office celebration.
We get our Roscas de Reyes daily directly from the Bakery, and we ship them right away so they can arrive fresh to your home ready to enjoy.
Roscas de Reyes History and Tradition
The tradition comes from the South of France, a few centuries ago. In the beginning, people used to present gifts to the “Baby Jesus” and mostly consisted of dried fruits, nuts, flour, honey, eggs, and others. To commemorate the Epiphany, they took some of those gifts and baked a sweet roll with the shape of a crown, (Rosca de Reyes or King's Cake), remembering the Magi or Three Wise Men (Kings from the East) that went to adore the Baby Jesus. The story says the Kings were looking for the baby, which is why the baby plastic dolls are inside the Rosca de Reyes to look for it.
It is a family and friends gathering to celebrate the Epiphany and the Rosca de Reyes or King’s Cake is an occasion to have some fun and enjoy the get together.
It is important that you explain to your guests, that there are 2 little plastic dolls. The ones who find them in their slice during the feast, have to make a party on the February 2nd (Dia de la Candelaria or Candlemas Day), inviting all the guests that are present and offering them tamales and Mexican hot chocolate. That is part of the GOOD LUCK!
Rosca is the name given to any ring-shaped bread or cookie. This sweet bread or round cake was once used by the friars to evangelize: a small plastic doll, representing the Christ child or baby Jesus, is baked right in the bread- "hidden", to symbolize the hiding of the infant from King Herod's troops on the day of Los Santos Inocentes, the Holy Innocents. This treat is traditionally served on the festive Three Magi Kings Day (The Day of Kings), when the children receive their toys. Whoever gets the slice of Rosca with the baby Jesus (little doll) in it has to provide the tamales and atole in a dinner party on February 2nd, on Candlemas or Dia de la Candelaria.
Epiphany and the Three Wise Men
The Feast of Epiphany is also called "The Adoration of the Magi" or "The Manifestation of God." Celebrated on January 6th, it is known as the day of the Three Kings or Wise Men (The 3 Magi Kings): Caspar (Gaspar), Melchior (Melchor), and Balthazar (Baltazar). According to an old legend based on a Bible, these three kings (The Magi) saw a bright star on the night when Christ was born. They followed it to Bethlehem and found there the Christ child and presented it with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. On the Christian calendar, the twelfth day after Christmas is known as "Epiphany", "Twelfth Night", or "Kings Day." Rosca de Reyes is also called bread roll of the kings
Candlemas Day or Dia de la Candelaria
El dia de la Candelaria is the day of the Candle or Light, known as the Day of Purification. It is celebrated on February 2nd every year. It’s also called the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. In a Mexican tradition for that day, the Nativity scene is put away with a party given by the person who got the Baby Jesus in their piece of bread during the Rosca de Reyes celebration on January 6th. This person will be responsible for making a "Ropon" or christening gown for Baby Jesus. Generally, they celebrate with a dinner party with Tamales and invite all the family and friends that were present at the Rosca de Reyes or Kings Bread cutting.
Rosca de Reyes Tradition Summary
The Rosca de Reyes is a ring shaped sweet bread with a small doll inside which represents the baby, Jesus. The doll figure symbolizes the hiding of the infant Jesus from King Herod's troops. According to tradition whoever finds the little doll in their slice of sweet bread must give a party on February 2nd, Candlemas Day, or Dia de la Candelaria, offering tamales, hot chocolate, and atole to their guests. Candlemas is the day that Mary presented the infant Jesus to the temple and is traditionally the day that candles are blessed in the Catholic Church.
Rosca de Reyes Grande - 700 g - rectangular, porciones para aproximadamente 12 personas. Rosca de Reyes lista para comer.
También vendemos Rosca de Reyes Mediana para 6 personas, ideal para una reunión familiar o celebración del Dia de Reyes en la oficina.
Rosca digna de Reyes
Bizcocho, Tarta de Reyes, Pastel de Reyes, Pastel de Navidad
La tradición de la rosca de reyes está ligada a la de los Santos Reyes Magos. De hecho, esta tradición reúne a la familia y a los amigos para cortar la rosca de reyes (pan de dulce) en la merienda del 6 de enero. Al parecer, esta costumbre la tomó la iglesia de los romanos incluyéndola en la celebración de la Epifanía, que recuerda la revelación de Jesús a los Reyes Magos. Esta celebración cobró fuerza durante la Edad Media y llegó a México en los primeros años del virreinato.
El roscón de Reyes, rosca de Reyes o rosco de Reyes es un pan dulce festivo de forma anular, adornado con rodajas de fruta cristalizada o confitada de colores. Roscones de Reyes.
En México, a la rosca de reyes se le acompañó con el chocolate y atole, fundiéndose una vez más, lo indígena con lo español. Una rosca se caracteriza por su forma redonda, sin embargo, en México, posiblemente porque cada vez eran más los invitados a la merienda, la rosca de reyes fue adquiriendo poco a poco una forma ovoide con el fin de que fuera más grande y alcanzara para todos los asistentes. No se sabe a partir de cuándo se comenzó a esconder dentro de la rosca un niño Dios de porcelana o plástico, pero lo que sí se sabe es que quien encontrara al niño, automáticamente se convertía en el padrino del mismo. Una de las obligaciones del padrino era llevar al niño Jesús del nacimiento de la casa en donde se cortó la rosca, para ser bendecido en la iglesia más cercana, el 2 de febrero, día de la Candelaria, originando así una gran tradición Mexicana y fiesta religiosa.
Video La Historia detras de la Candelaria por Elisa Queijeiro - Humanista
Según se dice, en algunos lugares de México se tenía por costumbre guardar en la rosca un anillo y un dedal, lo que significaba para quien encontrara el anillo, boda próxima y soltería, por lo menos de un año a quien encontrara el dedal.
Actualmente la partida de la rosca de reyes ha contribuido a establecer lazos de convivencia en los centros de trabajo, puesto que esta tradición se ha hecho extensiva y dejada de ser exclusiva del ámbito familiar. Los niños escondidos en la rosca se han multiplicado y los padrinos de los mismos han de regalar a los comensales con atole y tamales el 2 de febrero. Quienes participan en la partida de la rosca, en ocasiones son capaces de tragarse al niño para eludir el compromiso que dicta la tradición.
La tradición de los "Reyes", termina con la tradición de la "partida de la rosca" pero ésta a su vez se enlaza con la del día de la Candelaria.
Thank you so much, The Rosca de Reyes was fresh and in almost perfect shape.
- Great taste and fresh.
- No babies they were advertised.
- Fresh, good quality.
- It's a little expensive and shipping is expensive too.
I emailed Mex-Grocer about the packing, but never got a response.
- Good tasting and appeared fresh.
- Too many babies and poor packing.
- Fun! Educational! An unusual cultural experience for most non - Latinos.
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