Nachos - Nacho Sliced Jalapeno Peppers

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History of Nachos as a Snack

In the 70’s in the city of San Antonio, Texas an annual exposition that promoted the export of Mexican products by “Expo Mexico” was taking place, and very close to the convention center there was a restaurant bar where at the end of the day exhibitors and buyers would get together to have a drink. Its here where an efficient and hard working waiter, to earn better tips would serve a snack to his customers to open their appetite, while their orders where being prepared in the kitchen.

That snack consisted of tortillas cut into triangles and fried in oil to which he would smear with refried beans; he put shredded cheese for melting with a slice of Jalapeno pepper in each piece, sliced in circles or wheels. He would put this snack in the oven to the melt the cheese and take it warm to the table.

The waiter of Mexican origin was named Ignacio and his friends called him by his nickname: NACHO.

His snacks started becoming famous and many people sought for NACHO so he would take care of them. Who knew that Ignacio (Nacho) had invented a new concept in Mexican fast food that is served as an appetizer or snack with the name of Nacho’s and later changed to NACHOS.

In San Antonio, Texas this name was becoming popular, moved on to other cities and then to other states until it reached across the United States and even to Mexico. Nachos have been spreading from mouth to mouth all over the world, to the point of naming some generic products after that name: Nacho chips, Nacho cheese, Nacho Jalapenos and Nachos generally served with all kinds of meats and poultry, but always with the same original recipe: Chips (cut fried tortillas) no matter the shape with melted cheese and salsa or with sliced jalapenos on top and only in some occasions refried beans can be added. Enjoy!

Article written by Ignacio (Nacho) Hernandez

Now you can make your own Nachos at home and is proud to bring you the best sliced jalapeno brands: Embasa, Herdez, La Costena, La Victoria, San Marcos and El Pato, in convenient glass jars or cans, pickled in vinegar so they’ll be fresher longer. The jalapeno slices are ready to use from the jar or can so they will fit your needs so you can create delicious and delectable Nachos, salads, and sandwiches. Put over hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza or over any dish that needs a kick for your next party, barbecue or as a snack to watch your favorite tv show.

If you love to cook, love chiles or know anyone else who does, then this is a gift pack you can’t pass up! It comes with a collection of canned chiles so you can make delicious Mexican dishes at home. Use the poblanos to make Killer Rellenos, open a can of jalapeños and cook up a delicious plate of nachos. Use the serranos to make your own Mexican salsa and serve the chipotles in adobo over sea bass, make incredibly delicious spicy meatballs (albondigas) or spicy barbecue ribs.

Historia de la botana Nachos

En los 70's en la ciudad de San Antonio, Texas se llevaba acabo anualmente una exposición que promovía la exportación de los productos Mexicanos "Expo Mexico" y muy cerca del centro de convenciones estaba un restaurante bar en donde al final del día se reunían a tomar la copa los expositores y compradores. Es aqui, donde un mesero muy eficiente y trabajador para ganarse una mejor propina servía una botana para sus clientes y abrirles el apetito, mientras le preparaban su orden en la cocina.

Esa botana consistía en tortillas cortadas en triángulos y fritas en aceite a las que les untaba frijoles refritos, les ponía queso rallado para derretir con una rodaja de Chile Jalapeño en cada trocito, cortada en forma círculos o ruedas. Esta botana la metía al horno para derretir el queso y llevarla caliente a la mesa.

El mesero de origen Mexicano se llamaba Ignacio y sus amigos lo llamaban por su apodo: NACHO.

Se empezaron a hacer famosas sus botanas y muchas personas buscaban a NACHO para que los atendiera. Quien diría que Ignacio (Nacho) había inventado un concepto nuevo de comida rápida Mexicana que se sirve como un aperitivo o snack con el nombre de Nacho's que fue cambiando a NACHOS.

En San Antonio, Texas este nombre se fue haciendo popular y paso a otras ciudades y luego a otros estados hasta que llego a todo Estados Unidos e inclusive a Mexico. Los NACHOS se han ido difundiendo de boca en boca por todo el mundo, hasta llamar con ese nombre algunos productos, como un nombre genérico: Nacho chips, Nacho cheese, Nacho Jalapenos y Nachos en general servidos con todo tipo de carnes y aves, pero siempre con la receta original: Chips (tortillas fritas cortadas) sin importar la forma con queso derretido y salsa o jalapeños en rodajas en la parte de arriba y solo en algunas ocasiones le agregan los frijoles refritos. Buen provecho!

Artículo escrito por Ignacio (Nacho) Hernandez

Proudly delivering authentic Mexican food directly to your door for over 24 years.