TALLON All Purpose Glassware Fiber Sponge - 5" x 3" in
TALLON All Purpose Fiber Sponge Blue 5" x 3" in by T.Taio
Tallon glassware fiber sponge is a unique multipurpose product for regular duty, that is ideal for washing glassware, pots and pants. It is dishwasher safe, won't scratch or cause odors, and is color coded for different uses at home. Just like its slogan "Tallon" will harmonize your home.
Tallon Fibra Esponja para Cristaleria La esponja antimicrobial Tallon multiuso es un original producto para limpieza diaria, es ideal para lavar cristaleria, ollas y sartenes. Es seguro para el lavaplatos, no raspa ni causa olores y estan hecho con diferentes colores para diferentes usos en tu hogar. Asi como su popular frase "Tallon' armoniza tu hogar.