Rosa de Castilla Rose Buds - .40 oz
Rose Buds Herbs by Tampico
Tampico brings you the Rosa de Castilla flower in aconvenient package for all of your health needs.
These Rose Buds commonly known as Rosa de Castilla or by theirscientific name Rosa Galica are popular for their delicate beauty,bright color and wonderful perfume. They are grown in many Europeancountries, especially in North Africa and bloom during late Springand early Summer.
Due to the natural properties of rose buds, this fragrant flower areutilized in a variety of ways including for cooking, beauty and teawise.
- The flowers and their leaves are taken as a tea in order to lowerhigh fevers or gargled in order to relieve sore throats caused bycolds, vomiting, indigestion and heartburn.
- It is applied as a facial cleansing and will tone the skin. Whenmade into a powder it can be used to relief pain caused by feverblisters and cold sores.
- The aromatic rose buds can be steamed in water to give the air awonderful sweet fragrance after smoking or cooking.
- Is also used to give flavor to vinegar and bakery.
- NET WT .40 oz. (11.3g)
Rosa de Castilla Hierbas para preparar Te o Infusion marca Tampico.
El Guapo te ofrece la Flor de Castilla en un paquete practicopara todas tus necesidades de salud.
Estos Capullos de Rosa son comunmente conocidos como "Rosa deCastilla" o por su nombre cientifico "Rosa Galica sonpopulares por su delicada belleza, color brillante y maravillosoperfume. Se cultiva en muchos paises Europeos, especialmente en elNorte de Africa y florecen al final de la primavera y principios deverano.
Debido a las propiedades naturales de los capullos, su fragante flor seutiliza en varias formas, incluyendo para la cocina, la belleza ypara hacer consumirlo como un te.
- Las flores y sus hojasson tomadas en forma de te para bajar las fiebres altas o paragargarizar con el fin de aliviar los dolores de garganta causados porresfriados, vomitos, indigestion y acidez estomacal.
- Se aplica como una limpieza facial y para tonificar la piel. Cuando se aplica en forma de polvo se puede utilizar para aliviar el dolor causado por lasampollas febriles y fuegos labiales.
- Los aromaticos capullos de la rosa de castilla se pueden cocer en agua para dar al aire una maravillosa fragancia despues de fumar o cocinar.
- Tambien se utiliza para darle sabor al vinagre y en pasteleria.
- Una Infusion de Rosa de Castilla Sirve para el cuidado de la piel ycolicos de bebes.
- NET WT .40 oz. (11.3g)
Instructions-(1.) boil Water in a sml-med. boiling pot empty the whole bag in the water let it boil for 5-10 min. (2.) let it cool down (3.) drain the petals out- you can do #3 before #2 (4.) prepare your baby a bath do everything as you normally do when you bath your baby. (5.) Apply some luke warm water to el rosa de castillo water so its not too cold for your baby and right before you take your baby out you’ll pour the rosa de castillo water all over his body this water stains so make sure you remove all washing cloths or only use one cloth for their face I soaked the wash cloth and squeezed it over my babies cheeks **DO NOT GET IN THEIR EYES** for the forhead i used the wash cloth mostly squeezed and just damped the rest of his face that I didnt get and did the area of acne one last time before being officially done. I would apply the face first then apply the body next. Do not apply any lotion afterwards I believe I did I used organic non scented or applied it the next day for sure. Repeat this 2 more times. I always did this close to his bed time and he would fall asleep through out the night. But that happens with most bed time baths.
- Cleared my babies acne. Not 100% but definitely cleared and he still has some break outs but just as you would wash your face I clean his face with gentle wipes 1-2x a day depending if he got lots of kisses but I do not let him sleep with out a cleaned face I do apply lotion cause he has dry skin. Doing this technique has also reduced his face acne.
- There could be a possible allergy reaction keep that in Mind!!