Gamesa Maria's Traditional Cookies - Galletas Marias - 19.7 oz
GamesaBetter Together
Gamesa Maria's Traditional Cookies (4 Packs inside the box) 19.7 oz.
Gamesa's Marias are delicious wheat flour cookies that are sweetened with brown sugar, an ingredient that makes them sufficiently sweet without being overwhelming. These cookies are commonly eaten during breakfast or as a snack with cajeta spread and accompanied with coffee o authentic Mexican hot chocolate, since they are low in fat and sugar content. Just prepare yourself a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate from Ibarra or Abuelita brands and dip these delicious Marias cookies, that are just as authentic as mom's love!
Gamesa Galletas Marias (4 Paquetes adentro de la caja) 560 g
Las galletas Marias tradicional de GAMESA.
Marias Gamesa son deliciosas galletas de harina de trigo que son endulzadas con azucar morena, un ingrediente que las hace lo suficientemente dulces sin ser abrumadores. Estas galletas son comidas durante el desayuno o como botana (embarrados con cajeta) y son usualmente acompanados con cafe o chocolate caliente, como tienen un bajo contentido de grasa y azucar. Solo preparate una tasa caliente de cafe o chocolate de las marcas Ibarra o Abueita y moja las deliciosas Galletas Marias en estas deliciosas bebidas...Marias Gamesa son Autenticas como el amor de mama!
- Crunchy and not to sweet
- Hard to find, so I have to mail order and pay more than store.
- (any chance you'd have a coupon for future purchases).
- I'd greatly appreciate it, thank you.
- Taste great
- Can't make them last lol
- Not overly sweet
- Good with Coffee/Snack
- Hard to not finish the package