Epazote - Mexican Herb - 1/4 oz

Epazote - Mexican Herb
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Epazote de Comer - Mexican Tea Herb 1/4

Epazote de Comer - Mexican Tea Herb by Ranchero is an herb native to Central America, South America, and southern Mexico. The name “Epazote” comes from the Nahuatl words, epote, meaning disagreeable or foul, and Epatzotl, meaning “sweat,” reflecting its strong aroma. Raw, it has a resinous, medicinal pungency, similar to anise, fennel, or even tarragon, but stronger, some say it smells like gasoline or kerosene. Epazote is used as a leaf vegetable and herb for its pungent flavor and It's usually added toward the end of cooking to prevent bitterness in the finished product. Epazote has become a distinct flavor in Mexican cuisine, pairs well with shellfish and eggs, salads, cilantro, lime, chipotle peppers, cheeses, pork fat, black beans, pinto beans, cumin, garlic, onion, corn, and squash blossoms, chilaquiles, enchiladas, potatoes and sopes (especially those containing huitlacoche). It also goes well in tortilla soups, fillings and toppings, moles, quesadillas, huitlacoche, soups, and stews. Epazote combines well with other Mexican seasonings like oregano, cumin and chiles. Although Epazote is poisonous in large quantities, Epazote is added to beans to reduce gas because the potent aroma of the Epazote cuts the heaviness of beans and is therefore used to season them. It also known as worm seed because of it's effects on preventing worms, Mexican mothers steep the herb in milk and sugar and serve this tonic to their children to rid them of intestinal parasites and its also often added to animal feed for this reason. Epazote is also used to treat dysentery. Epazote is used as a herbal remedy for athlete's foot and it actually has been shown to inhibit fungi causing that disease. Epazote is also used in the treatment of amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,chorea, hysteria, catarrh, asthma and malaria. One teaspoon of dried Epazote leaves is equivalent to about one branch, or 7 fresh leaves. Placing Fresh Epazote leaves in a plastic bag will last for up to 1 week and air-dry the fresh leaves to store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.


Epazote de Comer - Mexican Tea Herb 1/4 oz

Epazote de Comer - Mexican Tea Herb de Ranchero es una hierba nativa de Centro America, America del Sur y el Sur de Mexico. El Nombre "Epazote" viene de las palabras del Nahuatl, epote, que significa desagradable o maloliente y epatzotl, que significa "sudor" reflejando el fuerte aroma de la hierba. Crudo, el Epazote tiene un olor resinoso, medicinal similar al anis, hinojo, o incluso de estragon, pero mas fuerte, algunos dicen que huele a gasolina o keroseno. El Epazote se utiliza como una verdura de hoja y hierbas por su sabor penetrante y por lo general, es agregado hacia el final de la cocción para evitar la amargura en el producto terminado. El Epazote se a converitdo en un sabor distintivo en la cocina Mexicana, se llevan muy bien con el Epazote los mariscos y huevos, cilantro, limon, chile chipotle, quesos, frijoles negros, frijoles pintos, ajo, cebolla, maiz, y flor de calabaza, chilaquiles, enchiladas, papas y sopes (especialmente esos que contienen Huitlacoche). Tambien se lleva muy bien con sopa de tortilla, rellenos, moles, quesadillas, sopas y guisados. El Epazote tambien se lleva muy bien con otros sazonadores Mexicanos como el oregano, comino y chiles. Aunque el Epazote ese venenoso en grandes cantidades, se le agrega Epazote a los frijoles por que el potente aroma del Epazote reduce la pesadez de los frijoles y entonces es usado para sazonarlos. Tambien es conocido como worm seed por sus efectos para evitar guzanos. Las madres Mexicanas remojan la hierba en leche con azucar y les dan este remedio a sus hijos para deshacerse de los parásitos intestinales y de igual manera se les da muy seguido a los animales por esta misma razon. El Epazote tambien se usa para curar la disenteria, y como remedio de hierbas para curar el pie de atleta, y de hecho se ha demostrado que inhibe los hongos que causan la enfermedad. Tambien el Epazote es usado para el tratamiento de la amenorrea, dismenorrea, corea, histeria, catarro, el asma y la malaria. Una cucharada de hojas de Epazote seco es equivalente a una rama, o 7 hojas frescas. Guarde las hojas de Epazote fresco en una bolsa para que dure 1 semana y seque las hojas secas para guardarlas en un frasco con una tapa hermetica.


Review Summary
7 Reviews
71% (5)
14% (1)
14% (1)
0% (0)
0% (0)
86% Recommend this product (6 of 7 responses)
By Greg
March 4, 2020
Good flavorful dried herb.
By Diegueo
Donde estan las hojas?
January 13, 2019
For tea, this packet is good since the leaves, stems, etc can be steeped in hot water.
But for sopas, frijoles de olla, etc. there is very little whole leaf content!
Is there another form available?
By Kim G.
Rhode Island
Great product great price fast shipping
February 25, 2018
Made delicious tea. And worked well. Thanks A+++++
By JoAnne B.
New Hampshire
September 4, 2017
I am ordering more !!
By Erica
Dublin ca
Good product
May 24, 2016
Gd products and arrived fast I ordered two pack but they gave me three 
By Mandy
Carlsbad, nm
December 28, 2013
By leon
Review for Epazote - Mexican Herb
January 24, 2011


1 oz
1 1/2 oz
3/4 oz
3 oz
2 oz

MORE CATEGORIES IN Dried Chiles, Spices and Herbs

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