Popped Amaranth Ready to Eat by Amaranthy - 3.53 oz (100 g)

Popped Amaranth Ready to Eat by Amaranthy
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Product Features
  • Ancestral Superfood
  • Certified Vegan
  • Gluten Free
  • 0 grams Trans Fat
  • High Protein Grain
  • Low Calories
  • Sugars 0.5 g


Amaranto - Popped Amaranth Ready to Eat by Amaranthy - Puffed Amaranth Seeds

Amaranth is already popped like popcorn, a gluten free grain with high protein, 0 grams Trans-Fat that you can treat and eat as a cereal, because it is ready to eat. Amaranth is a superfood with high amounts of protein, micronutrients, fiber and antioxidants. Alegria de Amaranto is a Mexican candy made with the puffed amaranth seeds, honey or sugar.

Amaranthy is a grain / cereal type, ready to eat as it contains all nine essential amino acids. Mix the popped amaranth with milk, soymilk, almond milk or yogurt. Combine it with oats and add fresh or dried fruits - just like a regular cereal or use it as a snack if you wish. You can also use it with oatmeal, salads, fruit, ice cream and your favorite meals.

Amaranthy popped (toasted) amaranth can be easily blended into a flour to bake or make sweet meals such as pancakes, pies and breads.

Amaranthy is produced in a sustainable way and every bag you buy helps support local producers in Oaxaca, Mexico. Learn more about the Amaranthy brand at @Amaranthy.Superfood in Facebook and Instagram. For more information visit their website at Amaranthy.com

Amaranth has been considered by The World Health Organization as a well balanced food and is recommended by NASA for consumption in space missions.

Amaranth is an ancestral superfood grain used for 3,000 years by ancient cultures. Amaranth is also called Shravani maath, Rajgira, Amarenthus, Ramdama and Kiwicha in Quechua.

Video Elaboracion de Alegrias de Amaranto por El Sabor de Oaxaca con Filio

Video Amaranth Mexico most ancient grain by Muchies


Amaranto Reventado listo para comer marca Amaranthy - Amaranto Inflado - Amaranto Tostado - Prepara Dulce de Alegria o Alegrias - Dulce de Amaranto

El amaranto ya tostado marca Amaranthy es un superalimento con gran cantidad de proteina, micronutrientes, fibra y antioxidantes. Prepara tus palanquetas de Alegria dulce Mexicano con las semillas de Amaranto tostadas Amaranthy y mezclalas con piloncillo, miel de abeja, chocolate, pasitas, etc.

Es un grano similar al cereal que encaja perfectamente en cualquier dieta Vegan o libre de Gluten, ya que contiene los nueve aminoacidos esenciales.

Agrega Amaranthy (Amaranto Reventado como si fueran palomitas) pues ya esta cocinado o tostado listo para comer y agrega un ligero sabor crujiente que combina muy bien con alimentos como la avena, cerales, ensaldas, fruta, helado, yogurt y para preparar granola.

Amaranthy es producido de una manera sustentable y cada bolsa de amaranto vendida en Estados Unidos apoya directamente a los productores locales en Oaxaca, Mexico. Para mayor informacion favor visitar su website en Amaranthy.com.


5 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (5 of 5 responses)
By Mike L.
Seacucus, New Jersey
Nice crunch!
March 30, 2022
I really enjoyed the texture of popped amaranth with my ice cream to add a bit of protein to my snacks!
  • Easy protein topping
By Michelle
Chula Vista, CA
Versatile and Healthy
March 18, 2022
Crunchy add-on to add a little extra on every meal. I add a little to my my cereal and fruit in the morning, a little more to my lunch salad and a little more to my soup at night.
  • Crunchy
  • Great topping
  • No cooking necessary
By Tiffany
Tampa, Florida
Healthy and Delicious!
March 17, 2022
Why didn't I find this sooner? I bought this on a whim because it was gluten free, dairy free, and nut free. My kids have a lot of food allergies, so it's hard to find something everyone can eat. It was such a pleasant surprise! It adds a little extra texture and flavor to foods that even my picky eaters enjoy. My son put it on his salad since he can't have croutons. He really liked it, so we've started adding it to everything from yogurt, ice cream, and even Rice Krispies. My daughter just pours some in her hand from the bag and eats it like miniature popcorn. I need to get another bag so we can try some of the recipes I found for chocolate cake and chicken nuggets. Definitely would recommend!
  • Delicious
  • Easy
  • Good for Food Allergies
  • Only one size bag
By Anabeatriz A.
San Diego, California
natural and versatile!
March 17, 2022
this natural amanto seeds are protein packed and so easy to use in so many dishes! I use them on top of fruit, salads and on top of any dessert, excellent all natural super food at a great price! love it!
By Pablo M.
San Diego, California
Super versatile!
March 17, 2022
I loved using Amaranthy to make flour for baked gluten-free goods! The consistency and flavor of the pancakes was GREAT!
  • Gluten-free and delicious!

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